Voice Alive!

I recently committed myself to take part in a three week intensive, full time clown training course with the fabulous Ira Seidenstein.  Terrified that I might totally exhaust myself, and run out of beans to do anything for the rest of the year, in fact I came out at the end quite invigorated and fired up, ready to take on anything 2012 can throw at me.

We worked with Shakespeare’s text, some of it placed in the mouths of actual clowns, some that you might never suspect of being clowns ‘as characters’, but then what is a character?  It’s a person. And if you are the person playing that character, and you happen to be a clown, then way-hey to go!

For example, in this clip, Anne Chaponnay, a French improv performer who came out from Paris to do the workshop plays Katherine, Princess of France, while I am her chambermaid, Alice, in a scene from Henry V.

I’m now very excited about the upcoming Voice Class, and the prospect of playing with some actors, singers, teachers, Mums, Dads, people of the world with a view to growing our voices, our self expression and our capacity for speaking great language ourselves.

Still a few places left. Get in touch, either by Facebook (Being in Voice), or Twitter (@flloydpk) or use the form below.



Beginners, Please!

26 December 2011