What Form Below? – I hear you ask!

My humble apologies, to anyone who wanted to use the form I mentioned in my last post to express an interest in joining the Voice Class next week.  Click on this and you will see the form!

Ah, the joys of modern communication, eh?

Thank goodness we still have voices, for that vital face to face communication, and thank goodness we can come together from time to time to discover new ways of doing it even better.

In case you’re wondering how we do that in The Voice Class, well, amongst other things we move around and we make funny sounds, and in the process we learn how to listen to ourselves, from the inside, how to hear what our bodies are actually doing, and how they affect the way we sound. We hear our voices thrumming away inside ourselves, we feel the vibrations as they make their way out into the world, and we hear AND feel the vibrations others are making and we notice how that affects what we hear, and how we hear it.

All of this adds up to a more efficient voicing instrument, a more effective communication and creative expression, and a greater understanding of how the whole thing works – and why it is so important to know that!  Especially when we are performing, and even MORE especially when we are speaking words that someone else provided for us to speak.  And EVEN MORE especially when that someone is Mr W. Shakespeare.

Don’t you just love it? I know I do…

Here’s the form.  Go on, click – you know you want to.


Voice Alive!

28 January 2012