Real and Virtual Travel Adventures

I’ve just returned from a 3 days trip to Sydney, the first time I’ve been there for quite a few years. It came about because of an invitation to run two workshops for the NSW Speech and Drama Association‘s annual seminar. They wanted to sample my warmup programs for themselves, so that was the first session. For the second one, they gave me free range, so I chose to work with them on Shakespeare cue scripts. They also very generously invited me to spend the whole two days with them, joining in all of their activities, including lunches at Bill & Tony’s, dinner at the Pullman Hotel, and a lovely wander down to the Harbour to see the last night of the Vivid Festival of Light.
What a Delightful Bunch of People!
I’m now back in Brisbane with a serious mission to complete my thesis revisions in the next fortnight, raise enough money to pay for my trip to LA to study Knight-Thompson Speech and Accent work, and to visit Seattle to catch up with my family, and my Seattle buddies in theatre and voice.
The App is doing well, with two fantastic reviews so far in the Australia App Store, and one in the US store.
Great app! ★★★★★
by GEAHSIA – Version 1.02 – Jun 8, 2013
This app is so easy to use, all instructions are very clear and are available visually and verbally. Great explanations of how the voice works and why vocal health is important. You could easily incorporate the mini vocal warm up into your everyday routine. Would be fantastic for teachers to use in class and for actors or directors to use in rehearsal.
A must have app! ★★★★★
by Lindaloo23 – Version 1.02 – Jun 6, 2013
Fantastic app! A great way to discipline myself to do regular vocal warm ups. Flloyd Kennedy makes working on your voice easy and effective – so no excuses! Every singer, actor, chorister, academic and teacher should have this on their phone!
Great app for vocal warm ups!!! ★★★★★
by Courtney Young – Version 1.02 – Jun 5, 2013
I love this app! It’s instruction is clear, concise, and the warm ups are perfect for maintaining vocal health. I would recommend this app to anyone!
Bessie the clown is also agitating for a few moments in the sun before too long, so I’ll be loping along to the Brisbane Clown Jam sessions on a Sunday evening at the Stores Building, Powerhouse. See you there, perhaps?