Forum – a place to engage in discussion

My last few posts have elicited quite a few generous responses via email, which I’ve then asked permission to post here on the blog.  To make things easier, I’ve just set up a new page, you will see the link on the navigation row at the top of the blog website or click here “Forum – Join the Discussion”.

The aim is to make it easier to respond to posts, and to develop a discussion around the various topics. If it works out, perhaps I will make it the home page.

In the meantime, let me direct to over the Forum page, where I have just posted “Shakespeare our Teacher”, a story of serendipity involving last year’s Shakespeare Globe NZ National Schools Production Week, the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival, the documentary Shakespeare High and me.  Please take a look, let me know what you think. You can comment directly on the Forum, or begin a new topic.

With all good wishes
