What is Authentic Voice?

Pamela Kay is a voice coach based in Bedfordshire, England. She has a weekly programme on her local community radio station, Secklow Sounds 105.5 FM, in which she discusses all matters voice, and shares some dandy vocal exercises with her listeners.

Pamela Kay

Here is an edited version of the programme which aired on 27th February 2019, in which Pamela interviewed me on the subject of Authentic Voice – what is it, why would you want it, and how to you get it? We didn’t manage to answer all of those questions, but we had a mighty good go at it!

In other news, I’ve been invited to present my workshop “Fully Integrated Actor Training: Voice of the Clown” at the Voice Foundation 48th Annual Symposium in Philadelphia “Care of the Professional Voice” at the end of May. I expect to learn a LOT more about the science of voice and vocology, and to have a lot of fun with a bunch of voice coaches, singers, speech pathologists et all bounding joyfully around the floor making wacky noises – and then some!

Wacky Noises Indeed!

24 June 2019