Warming Up for Winter

Brisbane is cooling down, but I’m warming up my mission to get the world warming up its voice!
This week my students at Film & TV Studio International joined me in Ira Seidenstein’s Core Mechanics before the actual class began, so we were able to launch ourselves straight into the Humming Warmup. This is a great way to bring voice and body into alignment and focus while literally warming up when the weather is cold. Within ten minutes we had filled the studio with the most gorgeous warm sound, after which we explored some fabulous gurning faces and voices, courtesy of Dudley Knight’s “Speaking With Skill”.
I’m still dreaming of attending the Knight-Thompson two week intensive workshop in Los Angeles in August this year, working on accents and dialects. In particular, I can’t wait to learn Omnish.
In the meantime, the Warmup App is doing well, nearly 150 downloads so far! I’m going to include the Humming Warmup in the next upgrade. The current version has been edited to include a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, and a timer to show how long each audio file will last.
You can download it here: Being in Voice – Flloyd Kennedy
And then don’t forget to send me some feedback so that I can keep improving it. A warmed up voice is capable of creating magic. Let’s all become Vocal Wizards!