Category: Performance Skills Training

What is Authentic Voice?
Pamela Kay is a voice coach based in Bedfordshire, England. She has a weekly programme on her local community radio station, Secklow Sounds 105.5 FM, in which she discusses all matters voice, and shares some dandy vocal exercises with her listeners. Here […]

State of Play – a Clown Symposium
Now that was fun. Two days spent in the company of clowns, clown teachers, clown researchers, sharing ideas, concerns, challenges, and provoking each other to be even more generous with our ideas and our concerns. All thanks to Barnaby King, senior lecturer […]

Clown Secret
Ira’s book is out, and it’s wonderful. It reads the way he is, total clown from head to toe whether drinking excellent coffee, describing the Creative Twist, side-coaching newbies in an exercise or just chatting. He reminisces and draws upon his lifetime […]

More workshops to come!
The Expressive Voice Workshop went down a treat last weekend. 8 participants from a great range of work and life experience joined in to fill the back room at 81 Renshaw with joyously wacky soundings, finding vibratory freedom in the Hungry Giant’s […]
Since I’ve been back in Liverpool I’ve been busy developing an online course for Reluctant Public Speakers. I’d be interested to know if you have any concerns about public speaking, and if so, would you be willing to share them with me? […]