Private Coaching – the Inside Gen

So, what actually happens when you undertake private voice coaching with Being in Voice?  Well, first of all, you get my undivided attention, addressed to helping you to achieve your goals.  I provide you with a personalised program of exercises, beginning at the foundational, basic level, ensuring that you understand – first and foremost – what your voice ACTUALLY is, and how it works, so that you may undertake the exercises with full awareness of what you are doing, and how it relates to your achieving your goals.

As you become comfortable with the exercises, we extend them into more and more challenging areas, so you know that you are progressing, that your voice is becoming more powerful, more open and more available for the creative expression you are looking for.

Once we’ve got you established with a healthy, sustainable program for your voice, we begin to integrate the specific skills training you are looking for, whether it is for performance in theatre, film, tv, radio, or radio broadcasting, public speaking, voice overs, seminar presentation, or just to be more comfortable as a human being capable of communicating and expressing your thoughts to others.

You learn each new set of exercises on the floor, doing them with me, experiencing the physical reality of what your whole body is doing, and how your voice is sounding in those circumstances.  After your class, I write up my notes on what we did in the class, and email them to you, along with handouts setting out the exercises.  I also place these in your very own Dropbox folder, along with some mp3 files in which I talk you through some of the exercises.  These are available to you for 6 months after the class.  (At some stage in the next few months, these will also be available as an iPhone app).

Any questions?  Feel free to add your comments below.