Tag: theatre

Clarity of Thought and how to get it
I once wrote a poem about trying to write a poem. It goes like this: It’s never enough The words inside my head Scrambling for freedom It’s never enough The space between the words Inviting interference. It’s not enough To know, to […]

I have just had the weirdest experience, where two worlds appear to have collided, and changed places in the universe. The two worlds are those of theatre practice and theory of theatre. They are mythical worlds, because only those individuals who try […]

Doing it anyway, in the face of fear
Just watched a very disturbing Ted Talk, in which the speaker proposes that if we all lose our fear of failure we can change the world – and that’s all you have to do. She’s speaking from the position of working with […]

The Ending is just the Beginning
My thanks to The Living End for the headline above. I adore their latest cd, it keeps me bopping in the car (when I’m not listening to podcasts from the BBC World Service). So, The Voice Class 2012 Term 1 has concluded. […]
Accents are often the first thing on the minds of young actors, and there’s no doubt being able to speak with different accents is a useful skill. This article came to me from my dear friend and colleague, Amy Stoller, one of New […]