Tag: public speaking

Put Your Best Pitch Forward
When you only have 5 minutes to make your presentation, to persuade busy, influential people that your idea is the best, the only entrepreneurial idea worth supporting, you’d better sound as good as you believe your idea is. Five Minute Pitch Competitions […]

Clarity of Thought and how to get it
I once wrote a poem about trying to write a poem. It goes like this: It’s never enough The words inside my head Scrambling for freedom It’s never enough The space between the words Inviting interference. It’s not enough To know, to […]

Private Coaching – the Inside Gen
So, what actually happens when you undertake private voice coaching with Being in Voice? Well, first of all, you get my undivided attention, addressed to helping you to achieve your goals. I provide you with a personalised program of exercises, beginning at […]
A week or so ago I ran into a young woman who had taken part in some short classes I once ran for a group of performance studies students. There were five hour long classes, not compulsory. Some students came to all […]