Tag: workshop

Voice Alive!
I recently committed myself to take part in a three week intensive, full time clown training course with the fabulous Ira Seidenstein. Terrified that I might totally exhaust myself, and run out of beans to do anything for the rest of the […]

Exploring Archetypes = Exploring Your Self
Yesterday’s workshop at ASU was intense, and fun . Ten participants, 6 hours of intensive work. We managed to explore 5 archetypes – Hero, Huntress, Child, Fool and Maiden. I work with the Archetypes as devised by John Wright for mask training. […]

Acting Workshop in Phoenix – Voice and the Archetypes
I arrived in Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday, after a 12 hour flight with Qantas and a one hour flight with South West Airlines. Essentially, I am here with my theatre company, Thunder’s Mouth Theatre, to perform my show The Fall of June […]
The Voice Class has just passed the half-way mark. We’ve established the basic principles of good posture, self-awareness as against self-consciousness, the physics of sound and the relationship between breath and voice. We’ve learned the mini-vocal warmup, and begun the process of […]