Category: Performance Skills Training

To Pic or to Stick, that is the question.
Here is the latest review to pop on iTunes for the Being in Voice warmup app: Fantastic, well explained, fun to use ★★★★ by superhevs – Version 1.03 – Jul 27, 2013 My partner and I went through the mini vocal warm […]

Real and Virtual Travel Adventures
I’ve just returned from a 3 days trip to Sydney, the first time I’ve been there for quite a few years. It came about because of an invitation to run two workshops for the NSW Speech and Drama Association‘s annual seminar. They wanted to sample […]

App Goes Public
I am so happy to announce that the Being in Voice Warmup App is now officially on sale in the App Store, for iPhone and iPad, at the grand price of $0.99. This is an excellent vocal warmup app, created by my […]

Online Coaching Now Available
Book a one hour voice coaching session with Flloyd on Skype. Please CLICK HERE to arrange a time and date for your session, and pay at the end of your session by clicking on the PayPal link at the bottom of this […]
Today is my last day in the US. It’s been quite a trip, and though I will miss my family, and my friends over here, I’ll be glad to get back to Brisbane and settle down for a few months. The Knight-Thompson […]