Tag: voice training for actors

The Voice, the Whole Voice, and Nothing But the Voice
These days I seem to hear just about everybody in film or TV dramas performing at least 80% of the time “off voice”, speaking in a semi-whisper, or creaking or croaking. I can’t bear it. It’s the fashion, I’m an old fogey, […]

Online Coaching Now Available
Book a one hour voice coaching session with Flloyd on Skype. Please CLICK HERE to arrange a time and date for your session, and pay at the end of your session by clicking on the PayPal link at the bottom of this […]

Fresh Voice! The Acting Class 2012
The next block of voice and acting classes will take place on Sunday mornings, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. 7th October – 25th November The Voice Class integrates pure voicework with physicality, creative expression and performance technique. The Voice Class works with […]

When Thoughts Collide
Since sending out the flyers, newsletters and emails promoting the new workshop, “Shakespeare’s Archetypes”, I been thinking. This is too important, and too much fun to limit to a two day workshop. So I have devised a new and cunning plan (to […]
Pamela Kay is a voice coach based in Bedfordshire, England. She has a weekly programme on her local community radio station, Secklow Sounds 105.5 FM, in which she discusses all matters voice, and shares some dandy vocal exercises with her listeners. Here […]