Tag: public speaking

Don’t Shoot Me!
Have you heard about Projection? It’s very popular, for most of my clients it’s the first thing they ask for. “I need help with my Projection”. What they mean is, how do I get to heard at the back of the room? […]
Permission to Stuff Up, Sir?
What is the hardest thing about speaking in public? Fear? but of what? Fear of failure! So let’s give ourselves PERMISSION TO STUFF UP!

Wacky Noises Indeed!
Since I’ve been back in Liverpool I’ve been busy developing an online course for Reluctant Public Speakers. I’d be interested to know if you have any concerns about public speaking, and if so, would you be willing to share them with me? […]
A favourite exercise that I love to share with my students is “The Cold Read Exercise”. Cold reading means reading aloud a text that you’ve never seen before. Or, in an audition situation, you may have been given five minutes to look […]