Tag: presentation skills

App Goes Public
I am so happy to announce that the Being in Voice Warmup App is now officially on sale in the App Store, for iPhone and iPad, at the grand price of $0.99. This is an excellent vocal warmup app, created by my […]

Online Coaching Now Available
Book a one hour voice coaching session with Flloyd on Skype. Please CLICK HERE to arrange a time and date for your session, and pay at the end of your session by clicking on the PayPal link at the bottom of this […]

Private Coaching – the Inside Gen
So, what actually happens when you undertake private voice coaching with Being in Voice? Well, first of all, you get my undivided attention, addressed to helping you to achieve your goals. I provide you with a personalised program of exercises, beginning at […]

The Ending is just the Beginning
My thanks to The Living End for the headline above. I adore their latest cd, it keeps me bopping in the car (when I’m not listening to podcasts from the BBC World Service). So, The Voice Class 2012 Term 1 has concluded. […]
– before you can learn to relax it. Whether you are working on your voice because you are an actor, a singer, a startup entrepreneur preparing for a 5 minute pitch, or a CEO wanting to improve your presentation skills, you need […]