Category: Performance Skills Training

Is Your Voice Fun?
Some people take their medicine with honey, others just knock it back and never mind the taste. When it comes to your vocal health and skill, do you enjoy doing your exercises? Do you do them on your feet, bouncing around the room, […]

Voice IS Movement
A week or so ago I ran into a young woman who had taken part in some short classes I once ran for a group of performance studies students. There were five hour long classes, not compulsory. Some students came to all […]

Put Your Best Pitch Forward
When you only have 5 minutes to make your presentation, to persuade busy, influential people that your idea is the best, the only entrepreneurial idea worth supporting, you’d better sound as good as you believe your idea is. Five Minute Pitch Competitions […]

Fresh Voice! The Acting Class 2012
The next block of voice and acting classes will take place on Sunday mornings, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. 7th October – 25th November The Voice Class integrates pure voicework with physicality, creative expression and performance technique. The Voice Class works with […]
Do you ever wonder if people really understand what you are saying? Do they seem to misinterpret your words, or accuse you of being unclear? Often our friends will try to be helpful and tell us we are sending out the “wrong” […]