Some more Really Useful Blogs
I’m adding a couple of new links, these are fascinating blogs by dedicated actors, teachers and theatre makers.
The Shakespeare Blog offers some great insights into matters of interpretation, and performance techniques on all matter Shakespeare.
The Ottawa Theatre Network is going to be an interesting discussion to follow, as a group of actors and theatre makers set about organising themselves into a force to be reckoned with.
Sterling Lynch is the Ottawa-based actor who is keeping the information flowing for the Ottawa Theatre Network, and his own personal blog offers some insights into the life of a working actor.
Closer to home, take a look at Kate Foy’s blog The Groundling. Kate is former head of Voice at USQ, still a force to be reckoned with on all matters theatre in and around South East Queensland, and all round wise woman.
Dear Flloyd,
I’m so appreciative of your vote of confidence in suggesting the link to my blog shakespeareplace. It means a great deal to me; especially coming from someone whose informed opinion I respect a great deal. Your meld of the technical and the (I hesitate to say ‘ethereal’ because that’s not quite a complimentary connotation, depending on how its viewed, I suppose.–Your networking connections are real entities.) but I think you know what I’m trying to say. I would love to be able to take one of your classes.
Thanks for your recent comments on the blog, too. (Not to annoy a gift horse, but I think there’s an extra ‘http//’ in the link for shakespeareplace–I keep getting “connection not found”. I’m sure you have weightier concerns– this, of course, can be fixed at your leisure.)
And once again, my sincere thanks and best wishes. Joe M