Category: speech

How to Acquire an Accent
Accents – believe it or not – are not easy. Let’s face it, if you’ve spent 20, 30, 40 years using your head and facial muscles and your tongue to speak words in a particular way, and tuning your voice to go up and down in […]

and the news is…
I am delighted to announce that I am now a Certified Knight Thompson Speechwork Teacher. The three-week course in New York last month was intense, challenging, stimulating and deeply satisfying, and I cannot wait to share this beautiful work with you. What I […]

Moving on Again!
Knight-Thompson Speechworks training was Intense, with an intentional Capital I. Three weeks of immersion in the mechanics of speech and accents was thrilling, exhausting and deeply satisfying. I was surrounded by enormously talented individuals, all with unique styles of delivery when it […]

The Art of Editing
Last week, I finally finished editing my thesis document, and emailed it to my supervisors for their approval (or disapproval…) I’m sure it can still be improved upon, and I will accept their comments and suggestions with good will, but I am […]
Sounds easy, but of course there is skill involved, and that takes practice. Join us for 2 half day workshops on 9th November, and learn the most direct, holistic (in terms of the anatomy of articulation, pronunciation, rhythm and melody) process for […]