Category: Performance Skills Training

Great Group Warmups 1 – The Ball Game
Picture the scene: a group of eighteen intelligent, imaginative and hard working actors, or sales people, or executives, or teachers – for example… They are all present and on the floor in good time for the session, standing in a circle and […]

4 Elements of a Great Group Warm up
Yes, I know I’ve written on this topic before, and I promise you I certainly will again, because there is always more to be discovered about the benefits of a warmup up. Specifically, today I want to discuss the reasons why a […]

From Clear Speech to General American
Sounds easy, but of course there is skill involved, and that takes practice. Join us for 2 half day workshops on 9th November, and learn the most direct, holistic (in terms of the anatomy of articulation, pronunciation, rhythm and melody) process for […]

How to Acquire an Accent
Accents – believe it or not – are not easy. Let’s face it, if you’ve spent 20, 30, 40 years using your head and facial muscles and your tongue to speak words in a particular way, and tuning your voice to go up and down in […]
News just in… I am about to head over to the UK for a 10 month stint teaching voice at E15 Acting School. It’s impossible to tell you just how excited I am. First, of course, there is my upcoming solo show, […]