Category: Performance Skills Training

Keeping Busy
You may notice there are some changes here on the website. That’s because I’m keeping myself busy with house-keeping admin stuff while I wait for my thesis dissertation to come back from my supervisors – hopefully for the last time. Let me […]

It’s hard work, so it had better be fun
The Voice Class has just passed the half-way mark. We’ve established the basic principles of good posture, self-awareness as against self-consciousness, the physics of sound and the relationship between breath and voice. We’ve learned the mini-vocal warmup, and begun the process of […]

Voice Alive!
I recently committed myself to take part in a three week intensive, full time clown training course with the fabulous Ira Seidenstein. Terrified that I might totally exhaust myself, and run out of beans to do anything for the rest of the […]

Here we are again – happy as can be…
Just to let you know, I’ve transmigrated to a new hosting service provider, and in the process lost all my posts for the past 3 months. Ah, what the heck, they’re just words, eh? Anything important is bound to come up again, […]
Since sending out the flyers, newsletters and emails promoting the new workshop, “Shakespeare’s Archetypes”, I been thinking. This is too important, and too much fun to limit to a two day workshop. So I have devised a new and cunning plan (to […]