Category: Performance Skills Training

Onwards and Upwards
It’s that time of the year again, the time of reflection and readjustment as we dive into the festivities, and prepare to emerge after the new year with enthusiasm for whatever wonders it may bring. This year has been a cracker, […]

Some Archetype Players
Today we met The Huntress, whose mantra “I am very strong” can be empowering, and challenging! It’s important to remember that, like any text, the words only need mean what they say as you say them. If you think about it this […]

Hot stuff
Yes, it is indeed hot stuff from where I am sitting right now, with the fan blasting hot air into the hot space around me. 36 degrees Celcius, and rising, according to the weather bureau. But there is one good thing about […]
Now here’s the thing. I am a freelance voice and acting coach (among other things). That means I work for myself, making up my timetable to fit around my students’ busy timetables, fitting in rehearsals for whatever play I happen to be […]