Today we met The Huntress, whose mantra “I am very strong” can be empowering, and challenging! It’s important to remember that, like any text, the words only need mean what they say as you say them. If you think about it this […]
Check out the Handouts page, I have just put up the second half of the full warmup, as well as a chart demonstrating the basic vowel shapes and their phonetic symbols.
Jean Marc’s comment on yesterday’s class: “as to the process … it just mystifies me … a sort of magic!” remind me of the old saying about good luck, how it seems to happen more to people who work hard. Yes, acting […]
April 16 is World Voice Day, Background at Any suggestions for ways we can use this ‘day’ to spread the word about caring for, and acknowledging our real and actual Voices?
Michael Caine is a wonderful acting coach, and there are quite a few clips from some of his masterclasses on YouTube. Here is one of them:
Today we met The Huntress, whose mantra “I am very strong” can be empowering, and challenging! It’s important to remember that, like any text, the words only need mean what they say as you say them. If you think about it this […]